BREAKING: TEMECULA: Highway 79 crash reportedly results in death of pedestrian

Written by Trevor Montgomery

Riverside County News Source

For Valley News


A major, vehicle vs pedestrian accident has reportedly occurred on highway 79 south, at or near the intersection of Anza Road.

According to a CHP incident log, the incident was reported at 5:23 p.m.

Will Sieker, who witnessed the accident, stated he was on his way home, travelling southbound on Highway 79 approaching the intersection of Anza Road, when he saw the fatal collision occur.

Sieker stated he was in a vehicle directly behind a white truck when he saw a young man in dark clothing attempt to cross the road, directly in front of the path of the oncoming truck. Sieker saw the driver of the truck, described only as a female, swerve to avoid the unidentified pedestrian; however, she was unable to avoid striking the young man.

Seiker immediately pulled over to try to provide assistance to the pedestrian, however Seiker stated the young man, who was only described as white and approximately 20-years-old, appeared to have possibly been killed instantly by the impact with the truck.

Seiker estimated the other vehicle’s rate of speed at the time of the fatal collision to be approximately 60-65 m.p.h.

According to Seiker, the driver of the vehicle who struck the pedestrian was clearly distraught and appeared to be in shock immediately following the fatal accident.

According to Jody Hagemann, of the Riverside County Fire Department, firefighters, California Highway Patrol officers, Riverside County sheriff deputies and personnel from American Medical Response all responded to the report of a traffic collision involving a vehicle vs pedestrian.

Hagemann confirmed the pedestrian succumbed to fatal injuries at the scene and the Riverside County Coroner’s office had been contacted and was responding to the location.

The accident was reportedly causing major traffic congestion throughout the entire area.


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