UPDATED: Black Lives Matter IE claims no affiliation with Saturday’s planned protest in Riverside

UPDATED: 07/14/2016 10:30 With a letter/post from Black Lives Matters member Matthew Young and my response to him.



From Mr. Young:


We have already expressed concern about the apparent planned action this Saturday involving shutting down the 60 freeway. Upon further investigation, it has come to our attention that this action is being reported and spread by a source calling themselves the “Riverside County News Source”.

The Riverside County News Source is not an established news organization such as The Press Enterprise, The Sun or Inland Empire Community Newspapers. They are a crime-focused WordPress blog run by Trevor and Robin Montgomery, two people who are heavily associated with the Riverside Sheriff’s Department.

We still have not been able to uncover who would have set this action up and find it suspicious that THIS source would be spreading the word. And so we strongly encourage you all not to attend for the safety of your body and your freedom. We don’t know if this is legitimate, and the more we find out, the more we don’t trust it.

And please, BE CAREFUL ABOUT ATTENDING AN ACTION WHERE NO GROUP DIRECTLY TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. When we plan an action, we make it clear that it is Black Lives Matter IE, and other local grassroots organizations do the same. We post our actions on our Facebook (/blacklivesmatterie) and Twitter (@BLM_IE) pages, so that you get info directly from the source. If no one claims responsibility, then don’t attend.

Thank you,
Black Lives Matter IE

Tiffany Williams then wrote: RCNS is a website run by former Temecula cop and racist Trevor Montgomery. He is not a journalist, just poor white Hemet trash that sits in his house on his computer. Just like Eddie George another flaming racist out here in Hemet. This place is crawling with them.


My response to Mr. Young’s post:

I had an opportunity to speak with Matthew Young of the Black Lives Matter Inland Empire Chapter several times throughout today and into this evening; both via e-mail and on the telephone. Mr. Young expressed to me that his organization was not planning or involved in any rally planned for Saturday and questioned me about the source of the information I had based my report on.

13680535_577879135724542_887249710636801622_nAs for claiming he was not able to track down the source of the original flier, I spent several hours helping Mr. Young track down the original posters of the flier in question that was the source of the information regarding the rally. During my research, I identified two of the original posters as “John Dillionger” and “Mommie Diddat.”

I even pointed out the days and times they posted the fliers and on which community pages, as well as the fact that there was a #diddat reference in the very bottom left corner of the flier (SEE ENHANCED PICTURE BELOW), indicating who had possibly been the source of the information.

I offered to send Mr. Young copies of the fliers, as shared by “Mommie Diddat” and “John Dillionger” on the Facebook site “What’s Up Moreno Valley,” however he declined.

Even though I never once in my report named or implied specifically that Black Lives Matter Inland Empire was involved in the planning of Saturday’s event, I offered to write an update to my story with a full retraction and clarification that his organization, Black Lives Matter Inland Empire, was not involved in the planning and organization of this event. I even offered to include a press release or any statement he desired to be released by him directly, stating that his organization was not involved.

However, at that point, Mr. Young told me his organization was planning on attending the rally/protest and would be there on Saturday. Mr. Young went on to explain he would do his best to dissuade anyone from entering onto the freeway or blocking traffic but he declined my offer to write an update to my article, telling me to leave the report exactly the way it was. I found that very odd, but I complied with his wishes.

Since those e-mail and phone conversations, Mr. Young has posted on his page many allegations and accusations against me, some of which were true and some which were absolutely false, slanderous and defamatory. His post with his accusations can be seen above this update as well as on his page at Black Lives Matter IE.

As for pointing out that I am a retired law enforcement officer, that is absolutely true.

I was a law enforcement officer with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department for 13 years. At the end of my career, I was a sex crimes and child abuse investigator. During my years as a law enforcement officer, I received deputy of the year three different times and in 13 years I never had a single complaint filed against me. I also had a 100% conviction rate on every criminal that I ever brought 13734540_1135647629841247_1426846847_nto trial. I was also designated by the Superior Court as an expert in testifying regarding child sex crimes and child abuse investigations. All of these facts are easily verifiable.

I was also accused of being a “flaming racist” and that I was still heavily affiliated with the sheriff’s department.

First of all, my connection to and affiliation with the sheriff’s department ended in 2011 after an off-duty accident broke my back in four places, ripped off my left foot, led to two amputations, left me with a spinal cord injury and a brain injury. I have been mostly home/bed bound ever since. I have had no direct connection to or affiliation with the sheriff’s department since that time.

As for being a racist, I have no doubt my adopted Black and Latino children and Black grandchildren would strongly disagree. Of my 13 children, all but three were adopted and come from every race and background imaginable. My wife and I were foster parents for over 12 years to more than 60 children and we ended up adopting several of our former foster children.

As for my journalism, Riverside County News Source is indeed my own news page, but I am also a paid journalist for three other papers; including two in Riverside County and one in San Diego County.

I wonder why, when I offered to write a full retraction and/or correction removing Mr. Young’s organization’s name he very specifically told me not to and to leave it exactly the way it was.

Within an hour I was informed regarding his highly inflammatory post against me and Riverside County News Source.

I wonder why Mr. Young specifically asked me to leave the article the way it was and not to post any update or correction removing the Black Lives Matter references from my article, only to turn right around and attack me on his page. As of our last telephone conversation, Mr. Young claimed although Black Lives Matter Inland Empire had not been involved in organizing this event, he stated he and his group planned on attending the rally. So at this point, I have no idea whether Mr. Young and Black Lives Matter Inland Empire is or was involved in the planning of this event or if there is even an event that is planned.

Color enhanced image that clearly shows a connection to Mommie Diddat, who first posted this flier. #diddat can be clearly seen in the bottom left corner.

Color enhanced image that clearly shows a connection to Mommie Diddat, who first posted this flier. #diddat can be clearly seen in the bottom left corner.

If the entire event is false or a hoax, it was clearly planned and the fliers were spread by Mommie Diddat, as there was a #diddat reference right in the flier. (See enhanced photo.) As for John Dillionger’s connection, I have no idea, other than he also shared the flier.

After I was made aware of Mr. Young’s claim that his organization was not involved in this event I have made every effort to correct any false information but I was asked not to change anything by Mr. Young. That was before he and others on his page attacked me and accused me of being a racist and possibly making the entire event up myself. However, I would have absolutely nothing to gain from doing so.

This whole situation has left me bewildered and wondering what Mr. Young’s motives are and were. As of this point, I would have to say that based on his post on Facebook, Black Lives Matter Inland Empire was not involved in planning or organizing this Saturday’s protest and it is not clear if there is any planned protest being held at all on Saturday.

I have been left confused and wondering why Mr. Young chose to attack me on his page, after telling me not to change anything in my report or to provide any update whatsoever.

All I know for sure is I had nothing to do with posting the original flier and the fact that #diddat was mentioned right in the flier and she shared the flier on social media, it would appear that Mommie Diddat was most likely involved in spreading false information about an event that at this point cannot even be verified if it will be happening or not.

When we last spoke, I offered to assist Young in any way I could. However, he declined my every offer.


BLMAn unidentified chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement has announced plans for an upcoming rally and protest in the Riverside and Moreno Valley area. The flier calls for all participants to “become a part of (Inland Empire) history.”In a flier being widely circulated on social media, an unidentified branch of the Black Lives Matter group is calling for all Black and Latino members of the community to join them on Saturday, July 16 to protest the recent shootings and killings of Black citizens across the country.

The flier states the reason for the planned protest is “on behalf of all the pointless murders.”

Attempts to identify and speak with the sponsor and/or organizer of this planned protest have proved fruitless thus far.

Law enforcement agencies prepared to protect the rights of protestors

The rally and protest will be beginning in the area of the University of California Riverside on Martin Luther King Boulevard in the City of Riverside, just northwest of the City of Moreno Valley.

When asked about the rally starting at or near the college campus, UCR Senior Public Information Officer Sarah Nightingale said, “The University of California Riverside Police Department is reaching out to their colleagues in the law enforcement community (to ensure the safety of our students.)”

Lieutenant Christian Dinco, of the Riverside Police Department – which provides law enforcement to the area around the University of California Riverside campus where the protest and rally are scheduled to begin – spoke about the upcoming event and the departments’ plans for ensuring the rights of those who choose to protest are upheld and protected by officers of the department.

“We always respect everyone’s right to protest and have their voices heard,” Dinco said. “We are aware of the protest and all our officers support every citizens’ First Amendment right to voice their opinions and we are fully prepared to support them in their efforts.”

Dinco continued, “We strongly encourage any groups and participants to exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings for their own safety and protection.”

As with many previous Black Lives Matter protests, the groups’ stated plan is to begin at one location before moving as one large group to the nearby 60 freeway from MLK Boulevard to block all traffic in both directions for as long as possible.

About the planned event, Riverside Sheriff’s Public Information Officer Deputy Michael Vasquez said, “We always encourage all citizens to exercise their freedom of speech, but to do so peacefully and within the law.”

Citizens’ responses to planned event varied

Roy Johnson, of Moreno Valley, stated he plans on attending the event to support the efforts of those wishing to bring more awareness of police brutality and racial inequality to the citizens of Riverside County.

“Since my fiancé and two sons will be with me, I don’t plan on entering or obstructing the freeway, but my family and I will be there to show our support,” Johnson said. “My kids have already started making signs for us all to carry to show our support for the cause.”

“This could be a huge event and I am happy to see more awareness of police misconduct being brought to our valley,” Johnson explained. “I am especially proud that my two boys – ages 13 and 16 – are so excited to be involved in advancing the cause of Blacks, Latinos and all those who are oppressed by the actions of cops, who often cross the line (but) never seem to pay any price for their actions.”

“It’s ridiculous,” Jennifer Lynn Lees said about the planned protest and blocking of the freeway. “You have the right to peacefully protest but not the right to obstruct traffic. Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization, not a social justice organization.”

One person who responded online but wished to remain anonymous wrote, “I believe in freedom of speech. But blocking freeways and roadways to make your point is not a way to go about it. March to (police) headquarters but do it in peace.” She then pointed out how blocking the freeway or a roadway could cause an ambulance to not be able to get a child to the hospital, “all because protesters chose to block the freeway.”

Upon hearing about this weekend’s planned event, Ana Bella Luna Liera said, “If I wasn’t already committed to something else, I would be there supporting the cause of anti-brutality and mistreatment to all human beings and citizens of the United States.”

Posting on a social media page for incidents related to Moreno Valley, Ebony Love wrote, “I love how people try to skip over hundreds of years of slavery, dehumanization, legalized discrimination, segregation, racism, the categorization of people by color/race, and the residual effects that still impact lives today.”

Love, who said she definitely plans on attending Saturday’s rally continued, “(People) need to stop trying to highlight the convenient parts of history while fast forwarding to the events that negate the centuries of damage that has been done. This country’s government has yet to even attempt to fix the systemic damage it profited off of for generations.”

Lydia Villareal, who does not want to attend the rally for fear of what she called “the inevitable violence,” responded online writing, “Yes, black lives most definitely matter. But ALL lives matter. This country is and has been too racially divided for far too long already. The color of someone’s skin should have no bearing on the rights they do or don’t receive and get to enjoy in this country.”

Keith Johnson, a resident of Moreno Valley who has not decided yet whether or not to attend Saturday’s rally had three simple words to write about the entire matter. “I’m about UNITY.”

As the flier does not list a beginning or ending time, anyone needing to travel that day is encouraged to seek alternative routes and steer clear of any potential protests that could hamper their travel time.



My name is Matthew, I’m an organizer with the official Inland Empire chapter of the Black Lives Matter National Network. It’s been brought to my attention by many people over the course of today that you’ve written an article claiming we are planning a protest on the 60 freeway that included a flyer. We do not have any such thing planned and would like to know your source of this information and who you got the information on this action from. Please contact me as soon as possible by either replying or calling me at XXX-XXX-XXXX. If you would like updated information on events and actions we do we have an active Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account.


Hi Matthew, The rally was brought to my attention by several readers who saw and sent me a flier from two different Facebook pages called What’s going on in Moreno Valley and What’s up Riverside County.

Screenshot (618)I began to look into the flier and attempted to track down the source by tracking back the post, but it went back to a non-active account on Facebook. I then contacted the different agencies that would be affected by a rally in that area to see what they knew about the planned event, including Riverside Sheriff, CHP and UCR, but none of those different agencies knew anything about it.

I also spoke with Riverside PD, who confirmed they were aware of the event as someone had sent them a copy of the flier. Their response to me was that they had been made aware of the rally and they (Lt. Hoxmeier and Lt. Dinco) provided me statements that they intended on ensuring the first amendment rights of the protestors were encouraged and would be protected. I included their quotes in my report.

If you read my article I specifically stated I was not able to track down the organizers of the event nor was I able to speak with anyone who claimed to be involved with the event. However, I spoke with many citizens who told me they had seen the flier on various social media pages and that they planned on attending the rally. I have attached the flier to this mail for you to view. As for who the original poster was, I have no idea, nor do I know where it originated from. All I do know is that many people are stating they are making signs and planning on attending the rally. Especially those I have spoken with in the Moreno Valley and Riverside area where the rally is supposed to be happening.

As for claiming your group was specifically involved I never said nor implied any such thing as I was never able to verify exactly who it was that was organizing the event.

In addition to the flier which I have attached to this mail, I have included a link to the article I wrote. If I can be of any other assistance, feel free to contact me via e-mail or directly at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.



It sounds to me as if someone out there is either trying to create an event in the name of Black Lives Matter or are possibly perpetrating a hoax for some reason. I cannot even begin to understand why a person or a group would create a flier in your organization’s name and specifically state that their intention was to block the 60 freeway at MLK Blvd and then share the flier all over social media.

I do not know if this was created by a group that wants to fashion themselves after your organization or if they were trying to create bad publicity against Black Lives Matter. I can assure you the flier did not come from me and many people saw the flier on different pages before it was ever brought to my attention yesterday.

I can write an update to my report that the Inland Empire Chapter of Black Lives Matter is not claiming any affiliation with the event, but at this point, it looks like many people will be attending what they believe to be a Black Lives Matter event, as that is what the flier claimed.

If you would like to write a statement for me to include in an update I would be more than happy to include it. However at this point, it looks like the ball is already rolling one way nor another. I do not know and can not even guess whether there will be a group there on Saturday claiming to be the organizers or if there will just be a bunch of people who show up with no clue what to do next.

But one way or another I can write an update with a statement from you or a representative of your organization clarifying that this is not a Black Lives Matter sanctioned event.

Let me know how you would like me to proceed.



The furthest we could trace back the post was to two people with the Facebook account names of “Mommie Diddat” and “John Dillionger.”

Do those names mean anything to you?


End of e-mail correspondence

Contact the writer: trevor.rcns@gmail.com

trevor main



  • Peaceful protests are, by law, allowed, but these people who are “organizing” these “events” do not seem to be interested in being “Peaceful”. Their only intention–from what I see on the news about the various protests around the countr– is to disrupt traffic, disrupt people who are coming and going places –perhaps emergencies and jobs– and the protesters don’t care who they hurt by their agenda. Make noise, insult people, hurl objects, create disturbances… This is NOT IMO helping their agenda, unless their AGENDA is to create chaos and DISorder and to force by blackmail, police, to only protect the protestor’s rights…what about the rights of innocent people who have no intention of attending or being involved in their “protest”…and have other important matters in their lives to attend to….maybe even life and death matters? I don’t think this is what is needed to shed light on the situation.

  • “Terrorist organisation”? Holy toleeeeedo…

  • I am in favor of any American who want’s to have a orderly protest that is there right as a American !!!! The protesters do not have the right to disrupt others by closing down roads and or a freeway !!!! The more this group try’s to ram there agenda down our throat’s the more divided we will become !!!! P.S. ALL LIVES MATTER !!!!!!!

    • John M. It is nice it the Black Lives Matter Organization that was trying to organize the protest by blocking the 60 Fwy. The Black lives matter agenda should be of interest for everyone and if you can’t understand and see why a change needs to take place, well then perhaps you need to do some soul searching and ask all mighty God to change your heart and mind.

  • To which I replied, “Not THAT much.” I hope the police have the patty wagons ready to go. Get ’em.

    Making the claim you are unfairly targeted as a group of people solely on the basis of your skin color is undermined when you decide to break the law en masse.

    This is a forced confrontation with police. If you are brown, don’t let this particular group of people represent you, because they are obviously retarded.

  • I’ve always told my kids that it’s not always what you say that matters but how you say it. I’ve always believed black lives matter and that it’s a horrific part of our history as well as in the present BUT, Im confused with their main objective. Is it to just unite angry people? They’re doing that just fine. Everyone can plainly see they’re angry. They show anger, they unite anger and encite anger. Wish they were this angry about all the black on black killings. Don’t those lives matter, too?! But if their objective is for others to change and to unite people to treat them as equals, which is how I believe all people should be treated, they’re doing just the opposite. It’s just adding fuel to the fire of those who already hate.

    • According to FBI statistics, 90% of black victims were killed by other blacks, and 84% of white victims were killed by whites. By number of victims, more whites were killed by whites, than blacks killed by blacks. Why isn’t the white community getting angry and doing something about this white on white crime epidemic? Don’t those lives matter, too?

      • I wasn’t aware of those numbers . That’s a good point for another conversation. However my point was based solely in regard to the BLM name and movement. Why aren’t they protesting black on black killings, too?
        And this shooting of cops – even a black cop! Didn’t his black life matter?!
        I’m saddened by all the senseless killings. The HUMAN life doesn’t seem to matter to this group.

  • So law enforcement will be protecting the people breaking the law because ?????? Pretty sure holding someone against there will is illegal but since there black its OK that makes sense what a joke all these terrorists should be thrown in prison. What happens when there is a life or death situation and the person dies because of this or when emergencies services can’t get through and someones house burns to the ground ? half of so cal depends on this freeway and law enforcement is going to protect them and not all the law abiding citizens. Leos need to put an end to this if this was a group of Muslims or whites Asians whatever they would be terrorists and locked up in prison forever

  • Protesting is an American tradition but blocking the freeway is breaking Federal laws of interstate commerce..
    Prosecute as needed.
    This is not Oakland.
    Otherwise go on your Merry way with your “peaceful” protest for you’re fake, imagined cause. If you want to get angry be angry about all the black on black crime in cities like Chicago and Detroit…. otherwise don’t waste anyone else’s this time with this crap….
    And what’s this thing about Latino rights?Latinos that are American have rights just like anyone else…if you’re here illegally you don’t have rights and you need to leave, a majority of American citizens don’t want you here regardless of what corrupt, lying politician hilliary) decides to play on your emotions.

  • It they really want equality, should that be equality for all? If they really are about changing things why are they trying to divide? Why aren’t they inviting the community as a WHOLE to come protest? Why is the invitation limited to blacks and Latinos? The truth is these people want their to be more anger and division.

  • They should not be able to block people from driving to their destinations. This is just dividing groups of people. Stupid, stupid, going about your cause the wrong way. Black lives matter-so does the lives of anyone that want to drive on the freeway. Get out of the way and protest somewhere else, and stop shoving your cause down everyones throat. Restricting our right of way does not make us want to sympathize with your right-Black lives matter cause. So I do not sympathize, I will avoid your protest and take another route but will be disgusted with your method.

  • I have plenty of thoughts but since none of them are nice, I will refrain from sharing. But, we have come up with a new hashtag to counteract theirs… #FDM… Facts Don’t Matter… they have an agenda and that’s all that matters to them

    • Reading the comments expressed here only makes the point that this movement is critically needed. Even though they are not part of this particular protest/action scheduled for tomorrow, they are being looked at is if they are the problem, when actually they are the response to the problem. The problem is that in this country and perhaps the world, the lives of people of color are treated differently and valued less than white folks. Police killings and police terror has disproportionately impacted black and brown lives. Housing, employment, education, and wealth gaps prevail, and more black lives are marginalized as a result of policies that perpetuate disenfranchisement everyday. Saying BLM is not meant to divide people based on color, but I think it does divide us on issues of morality and humanity. Why don’t Black Lives Matter in 2016? When will the humanity of BL be recognized to the same extent as white lives? Why do we still accept a racial hierarchy that will always have BL on the bottom and valued less than others? Your life is not being threatened the way black lives are. With the exception of a few very human sacrifices that have come as a collateral consequence of allowing our law enforcement to become so militarized that even white unarmed people are being shot and killed. BLM is a response to a problem, BLM is not your problem. The problem is Racism and Classism and both will always ensure revolt and uprising, just look to history for proof.
      People posting here reinforce the belief that a movement that points out the obvious fact that “Black Lives Matter” is not only relevant and on point, but may perhaps be the greatest cause of our time, not just for BL, but for ALL lives. If police were killing white people at the rate that they are killing unarmed black folks, it would have been stopped and new laws would have been implemented to keep it from happening. But you are quiet now. I can’t hear you cause your actions and in-actions are speaking so loudly. Your actions/inactions negate your words. I agree to disagree.

  • ALL LIVES MATTER , when are you people going to get this stop choosing sides. Your part of the problem when you choose sides.

  • Aunt TheWind8888

    There IS racial divide, amongst the worst being racial injustices!! There is a greater chance in this Country (America) of a Black Man, who commits the same crime as someone who looks like my husband, given the death penalty…or just a stiffer penalty in general! This is the America of today!! YES….All lives matter~BUT how dare we feel so righteous as to dismiss the Black Lives Matter sentiment and with such statements!?!? How dare we minimize the fear, the frustration, the pain, amongst many other feelings, with “All Lives Matter” or “more Blacks kill Blacks” rhetoric!! Why do we, white Americans, feel so threatened by a group who not only feels BUT also sees discrimination, standing up and saying “STOP….this is NOT ok, this is NOT Just and WET MATTER” It’s NOT, or shouldn’t be acceptable, to dismiss the feelings of a fellow American, merely because we don’t understand those feelings!! Maybe, JUST MAYBE, there’s something they are trying to say~that we can learn from IF…..and ONLY IF-we SHUT UP and listen!!! Let’s not get soooooo distracted by the hype of something that we dismiss the genuineness the bottom line!!! Do you HONESTLY believe that we are living in an equal, fair, and Just World??? OR, I’d it just because we may not see the full impact, the full picture because we (1) can’t unless we live it (2) don’t want to, because then we may have to address it, or???? We live in a [Social] Media fueled society~do we think EVERY protest is covered….broadcast….or is it possible only those that carry violence, violence by all?? NO….but it only takes one individual to act out….to break laws, incite violence-and we jump to chalk up, Black Lives Matter, to a terrorist group? Equivalent to the KKK???? When the KKK is an organization formed on the stance of White Power, white control?!? And Black Lives Matter is seeking to bring awareness and a voice to the injustices that Blacks deal with, during routine traffic stops, run ins with the police, the criminal justice system…the stigma around a Black Man in many areas of their lives!! This is 2016 America, and if fellow Americans have something to say, why can’t we JUST LISTEN???? Why do we feel the need to do anything OTHER than listen to them???? We shouldn’t just dismiss something because we don’t see it, don’t understand it, or don’t feel it!!!! It seems there is little to NO harm in that!! Come on America, saying Black Lives Matter, IS NOT saying that other lives don’t!!! What I hear???? “See me….I’m here, a fellow Human, an American JUST LIKE YOU! My life matters just like yours, so why do I live in fear?? I am not asking for anything special~above or beyond….just Equality!! I MATTER TOO”

  • When you say “poor white Hemet trash,” and use white as part of your derogatory comment… Doesn’t that make your racist Tiffany?

    Tiffany Williams then wrote: RCNS is a website run by former Temecula cop and racist Trevor Montgomery. He is not a journalist, just poor white Hemet trash that sits in his house on his computer. Just like Eddie George another flaming racist out here in Hemet.

  • Why are BLM & liberals in general always refering to feelings? I feel scared, fear, discriminated against, treated less than equal, looked down upon etc etc. Who doesn’t from time to time?Feelings are just that…..feelings. If feelings are left unchecked or given too much power it will lead a person to chaos. A thought creates a feeling, then an action. We control our own thoughts…hopfully with factual information. Anyway, do esteemable things & have high esteem, or the other way around. Some people disregard facts, allowing untrue thoughts to occupy space in they’re heads creating these feelings they’re referring to then …….well we have seen They’re action.

  • Don’t let them unlawfully detain you and harm you or your family. RUN THEM OVER SO YOU CAN SURVIVE

  • It would be pretty great if these Black men would put half this much energy into getting jobs and raising their children.

    • Okay, now that was dismissive to the point of racism.
      And it’s an ad hominem.
      Please rethink.

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