UPDATED: Man who fought Hemet officer released 2 days later after pleading guilty

UPDATED: With guilty plea and consequences
HEMET – A local man was arrested Monday, August 15 after he allegedly fought with a Hemet Police officer. He was released from incarceration just two days later after pleading guilty in court.
26-year-old David Shaw was seen by a judge at the Banning Justice Center Wednesday, Aug. 17.
Although Shaw faced as much as $10,000 in fines or incarceration in a county jail for up to a year – or both – he was allowed to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor count of felony resisting arrest. His other charges were dismissed. He was ordered to serve the next 36 months on summary probation and was ordered to pay $220 in restitution and court fees
After spending just two days in jail, Shaw was immediately released from incarceration after his court appearance.
The incident began during the early morning hours when an officer contacted Shaw in Weston Park located at 700 E. Florida Ave. The park was closed for cleaning and maintenance.
Shaw immediately began resisting the officer, according to a press release issued by the department. The officer took the violently resisting man to the ground. He then deployed his Taser less-lethal weapon at Shaw to end his resistance. After the successful Taser deployment, the officer was able to take him into custody.
A subsequent record check revealed Shaw had a warrant for failing to stop for a posted stop sign, a traffic code violation.
The officer was not injured during the incident.
Shaw was treated for minor injuries he received in the incident before he was transported to the Southwest Detention Center where he was booked on suspicion of resisting a peace officer with violence, a felony and resisting arrest, a misdemeanor.
Contact thew writer: trevor.rcns@gmail.com
These judges need to go …
Wow, I’m astonished and astounded! I’ve gotten more grief from judges and the DMV over simple traffic citations. The only consolation I see is if there is ever an Olympic event called “dangerous perp pursuit and take-down” the HPD will easily command Gold, Silver and Bronze.
This is why the responsible folks have left and continue to leave Hemet. The city park is NOT a family safe park but a scary hang out for criminals and druggies. Thank you Hemet PD who once again risk their life so a thug can be released in a day or two????? Our judges are not smart.
Laws are man made therefore blame man…judges can sentence at their discretion and some really aren’t doing their communities a service by slapping them on the wrist and returning them to the cities to cause more havoc….
These judges HAVE TO GO!!! They are turning loose these lunatics to roam our streets and terrorize our parks. The current judges need to be promptly recalled and replaced before they allow anymore brain damaged neanderthals to walk among the rest of us.