Driver of bus with 35 students crashes, dies, after medical emergency

COACHELLA — A school bus driver who apparently suffered a medical emergency while transporting 35 students later died after bumping into the back of another bus early Friday morning, Dec. 14. This morning’s fatal incident happened in the parking lot of Coachella Valley High School, on the 83800 block of Airport Blvd., according to CHP. LEADING THE RCNS HEADLINES: UPDATE: […]

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Parolee who fled from stolen car onto Thermal school campus causes lock-down, arrested

THERMAL — A parolee driving a stolen car was arrested Friday morning, Sept. 28, after officials say the man fled from deputies and attempted to hide on the campus of a Thermal elementary school. The school, John Kelley Elementary, was placed on lock-down while deputies searched for and later arrested the fleeing man. LEADING THE RCNS HEADLINES: DUI suspected in […]

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Malfunctioning AC unit causes fire scare at Murrieta school

Correction: An earlier version of this report listed this school as being in Winchester. It is actually in Murrieta. MURRIETA — A malfunctioning air conditioning unit caused a fire scare this morning after firefighters received reports of a possible structure fire at a Murrieta elementary school. The incident happened at Lisa J. Mails Elementary on the 35000 block of Briggs […]

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HUSD: Recent awards, honors, achievements and announcements

Compiled from Hemet Unified School District’s Facebook page. (Click any link to view full HUSD post.) Follow Hemet Unified School District for regular posts and updates.   Did I miss a potential big HUSD related announcement? Have a photo with a brag for your HUSD enrolled child? Contact the editor: Trevor Montgomery, 46, recently moved to Shasta County from Riverside County and runs Riverside […]

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HEMET: 16-year-old girl arrested for threat scrawled on bathroom wall

HEMET — School District and Sheriff’s officials announced the arrest earlier today of a 16-year-old girl who allegedly scrawled a threat against Hemet High School – and more directly, the school’s principal. The threat was left on a tiled wall inside a stall within a girl’s bathroom on the school’s campus. The arrest of the Hemet High School student where the threat was made […]

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HEMET: Report of middle school shooting causes lock downs, brings flood of officials

HEMET — With fears, rumors and veiled threats swirling around several San Jacinto Valley and Inland Empire area schools and photographs of a threat scrawled on a bathroom wall at Hemet High School circulating on social media, a 7th grade girl’s report today of hearing gunshots at Diamond Valley Middle School brought authorities from throughout the valley rushing to locate, […]

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Arraignment for armed-felon alleged to have threatened Norco College postponed

NORCO — A Norco felon who was arrested three days ago after allegedly posting “credible threats” to “shoot up” Norco College and was scheduled to be arraigned in Riverside today had his arraignment postponed until next month. While law enforcement officials from at least six local, state and federal agencies continue building their case, additional details regarding their ongoing investigation have […]

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REDDING: Explosives found in back yard force elementary school evacuation

REDDING — A Sheriff’s bomb squad that was called in to help search for explosives at a private Redding residence near an elementary school later located two separate packages of an explosive material similar to C4, according to authorities. Because of the investigation’s close proximity to Buckeye Elementary School, which was the scene of a police shooting just eight days earlier […]

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MORENO VALLEY: Valentine’s Day truancy sweep nets 19

MORENO VALLEY — Nineteen students who chose today to skip school were unpleasantly surprised when they were caught up in a surprise Valentine’s Day truancy sweep. The violators were each issued a citation to appear in court and taken to their schools where disciplinary proceedings were begun. Working with the Moreno Valley Unified School District, deputies assigned to the Moreno Valley Police Station’s School Resource Unit conducted […]

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HEMET: School employee ejected from golf cart after car smashes into him

If page fails to load properly, or displays as a plain-text document, try refreshing the page. I am working to resolve the page-loading problem. -TM   HEMET – A Hemet Unified School District employee was injured this morning when he was struck by a person who ran a red light, Monday, May 22. The 51-year-old custodian was ejected from a Hemet High […]

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