A Beautiful Act Of Kindness from the Temecula PD

Written by Trevor Montgomery

Riverside County News Source

For Valley News


There are days when there is nothing to be seen in the news but one negative story after another. Thanks to one compassionate and caring deputy from the Temecula Police Department, today we get to read about one of the countless amazing things our law enforcement professionals do on a daily basis, usually without notice or recognition.

On Sunday, October 8, while shopping at the Temecula Promenade Mall, Deputy Bruce Pierson of the Temecula Police Department, was seen walking into Payless ShoeSource with a young lady who had no shoes on. Joshuah Rounds, who was at the mall shopping with his family, saw the deputy appeared to be helping the woman buy a pair of shoes. When the Rounds family found out Deputy Pierson was, Rounds and his family offered to help pay for a second pair of shoes for the unidentified young woman.

Overwhelmed at the unexpected showing of kindness, the woman started crying and told Deputy Pierson and Rounds’ family she was homeless and hadn’t had her own pair of shoes in over two months. According to Rounds, there was no doubt the woman was desperately in need of assistance.

The Payless manager even offered a 30% discount on the merchandise. The woman left Payless with two pairs of shoes a pack of socks and a warm scarf since the weather is getting cold.


Deputy Bruce Pierson of the Temecula Police Department caught helping a Temecula resident.

Before parting ways, Deputy Pierson told the woman he would meet her at the mall parking lot the following day at the same time so he could bring her a bag of donated clothes from the Temecula Police Department.

The woman was so touched and thankful for the unexpected generosity, she couldn’t stop crying and she repeatedly thanked those who were showing her the love and support she so desperately needed.


Joshuah and Tania Rounds speaking with Deputy Bruce Pierson about helping another Temecula resident.

About the incident, Rounds said, “We were so thankful we could help her. It was so amazing and refreshing to see the deputy from the Temecula Police Department take time out of his busy day to go into the mall with someone who was clearly in need and help buy her things that most of us take for granted every day.”

Continuing, Rounds said, “I’m just so thankful I live in a city that is filled with such wonderful, caring and helpful police officers….this just further proves that most cops are good and nothing like what is portrayed in the media day after day.”

About Deputy Pierson’s actions, Captain Kubel of the Temecula Police Department said, “As a law enforcement officer, there are times when someone is in need and you do what you can to help.  It’s seldom seen by others, but it’s something that law enforcement officers do quite frequently in the communities they serve.  We are very proud of Deputy Pierson for his actions here.  He’s showing a great example of what it means to be a public servant.”

One thing can be sure, today there is a woman in Temecula who not only has warm and dry feet and a big bag of clothes to help her get through the cold months ahead. But more importantly she has a warm heart, knowing she is not invisible. Thanks to the kindness of Deputy Pierson from the Temecula Police Department, the Rounds family and Payless ShoeSource, she now knows there are good and kind people in Temecula who still care enough to make a difference. Even in the smallest of ways.


Contact the writer: [email protected]
