Murrieta PD’s Weekly Roundup 10/18

From Murrieta PD/Facebook
– You know you may have had too much to drink when you drive your car onto the grass of a city park, exit your vehicle and frantically try to find a restroom. #hedidntfindit #whenyougottago #dontgothere Officer Bradley located the vehicle a short distance away and spoke with the driver, Mr. Tretheway. The driver informed Officer Bradley that he only had two beers #standardanswer when he was at a local “blewery”. #hiswordsnotmine Maybe they were oversized beers?
– While transporting Mr. Tretheway back to the station for processing, Officer Bradley came across yet another DUI. Tanya Woods was found to be DUI after trying to drive over a planter in a parking lot. #oops #seriously. It’s less than two miles from the park to the station. Two DUI’s in 30 minutes. #scootover #shesgettingin #carpooltojail
– Copper Canyon had some excitement Saturday morning. After a family disturbance, a 16 year old male fled his house and attempted to get into several vehicles and residences in the area. Officers located him a short distance away and took him to Juvenile Hall on an array of charges.
– Officer Bradley was on a roll over the weekend. Saturday night he responded to a report of a female slumped over the wheel of her parked vehicle. He recognized the female in question, Tera Lyche from previous contacts. #heyIknowyou Ms. Lyche had a pretty significant amount of meth on her so Officer Bradley escorted her to #thebyrdhouse.
– There’s a couple ways to prevent going to jail. The first is pretty obvious, don’t commit crimes. #duh The other is something you learn with age. You don’t have to run fast, just faster than the slowest guy. #dontbetheslowest #yourfriendswilltotallyleaveyou Monday night Officer Pitetti was investigating a ringing alarm when he saw a suspicious vehicle leaving the area the alarm was coming from. As he conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle in question, it suddenly stopped and the two people in the vehicle ran into the darkness. #wait #whereareyougoing #imstartingtothinkyouweredoingsomethingbad Officer Pitetti quickly located Kellie Rivas hiding in the bushes. #notrackstar Officer Pitetti recognized Ms. Rivas from previous contacts and has a pretty good hunch as to who her male counterpart is. #weknowhimtoo #seeyousoonCO
– Some calls are cut and dry. Some are not. #wecallthosebuckets Tuesday night Officer Mehr had herself a #bucket when she responded to the Mapleton Community on a report of an attempted vehicle burglary. As she was conducting extra patrol in the area, she contacted Keijon Smith walking down the middle of the street. #youshouldusethesidewalk As Officer Mehr was talking to Mr. Smith, dispatch received a call regarding an abandoned vehicle a few blocks away. #coincidence Officer Pitetti responded to the abandoned vehicle and discovered that it had been stolen earlier in the day out of Menifee. #biggercoincidence Then, the victim of the attempted vehicle burglary contacted Officer Mehr and pointed out another male walking in the area that was seen near his vehicle during the incident. #areyoustillwithme #somanymovingparts To recap, Officer Pitetti is out with an abandoned car that was stolen from Menifee while Officer Mehr is out with Mr. Smith, the victim, and another possible suspect (Ty Chang) from the attempted vehicle burglary. #gotit #clearasmud As Officer Mehr was talking to Mr. Scott and Mr. Chang, Officer Pitetti contacted the owner of the stolen vehicle. Guess what, Mr. Scott and Mr. Chang had property in their possession belonging to the owner of the stolen vehicle that Officer Pitetti was out with. #youdontsay #thatsnocoincidence Mr. Scott and Mr. Chang both went to #thebyrdhouse for possession of stolen property and the stolen vehicle.
– Corporal Abbate was on patrol Tuesday night when he came across a vehicle parked on the side of the road with the hazard lights on. He stopped to check on the welfare of the driver and found him passed out behind the wheel. Luckily it wasn’t for a medical issue. Unlucky for Jason Jensen it was because he was #DUI.
– If you are involved in a traffic collision, you exchange information with the other party and notify your insurance company. #youdidit #soownit #itsnottheendoftheworld You do not flee the scene in an attempt to get away. Especially if your car is on fire. Fleeing the scene of a traffic collision in your flaming car is frowned upon. #incaseyouwerewondering Plus it’s pretty easy to find you. I guess when you’re drunk you think it’s a logical option. Paul Rockwell was reminded that it’s not the right thing to do. #toomanyDUIsthisweek #callyourmommainstead #Uber #Lyft
Contact the editor:
Trevor Montgomery, 47, recently moved to the Intermountain area of Shasta County from Riverside County and runs Riverside County News Source and Shasta County News Source. Additionally, he writes for several other news organizations; including Riverside County based newspapers, Valley News, The Valley Chronicle, and Anza Valley Outlook; as well as Bonsall/Fallbrook Village News in San Diego County and Mountain Echo in Shasta County.
Trevor spent 10 years in the U.S. Army as an Orthopedic Specialist before joining the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department in 1998. He was medically retired after losing his leg, breaking his back, and suffering both spinal cord and brain injuries in an off-duty accident. (Click here to see segment of Discovery Channel documentary of Trevor’s accident.)
During his time with the sheriff’s department, Trevor worked at several different stations; including Robert Presley Detention Center, Southwest Station in Temecula, Hemet/Valle Vista Station, Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center, and Lake Elsinore Station; along with other locations.
Trevor’s assignments included Corrections, Patrol, DUI Enforcement, Boat and Personal Water-Craft based Lake Patrol, Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement, Problem Oriented Policing Team, and Personnel/Background Investigations. He finished his career while working as a Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Investigator and was a court-designated expert in child abuse and child sex-related crimes.
Trevor has been married for more than 28 years and was a foster parent to more than 60 children over 13 years. He is now an adoptive parent and his “fluid family” includes 13 children and 14 – but soon to be 16 – grandchildren.