So, I kinda lost track of time, again, and ended up spending the entire night writing. Around 5:30 a.m., I decided to get out of my little tin-can, home on wheels for some fresh air and I parked my wheelchair outside our RV and spent the next 8 hours. Just sitting here. Thinking about my life, my wonderful family, the new home and large property we are about to move into when escrow closes in JUST FIVE DAYS!

As the sun began to rise and our little mountain community began to wake I just sat there. Listening. Watching. Loving life, in spite of my severe medical issues.

First to wake up were the roosters. It’s funny, because each rooster has such a distinct and different sound, we can now tell exactly who is who, when we hear their danger wake up alarm every morning. Usually right about the time Robin and I are finally trying to shut down and go to sleep for a few hours.

At about the same time the roosters started screaming their lungs out, trying to beat the other roosters with their unique and ridiculously loud kerk-a-doodle-doo’s, a truck yard a block away and all the log-haulers begin firing up their rigs pretty much at the same time. But it is just far enough away that it isn’t an annoying sound and for me especially, having grown up around truckers and having spent countless hours, days, and even weeks, on the road with various family members others who did both short hauls and the much longer “over the road” trucking.

Soon I hear nearby Highway begin to buzz with morning commuters, traveling through our little mountain community below Mt. Shastatoward their destinations.

Next to come alive are our neighbor’s demon-goats and from the second those ornery buggers wake up, they walk to the very corner of their pen – which sits about 8′ from the back window of our RV – and they begin SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER while staring right to our back window!

Oh well, when we move into our new property in 5 days, some of the first animals we intend on getting are a pair of goats, so we don’t really mind all their screaming and have learned to tune the out. What is not so easy to tune out is when those Gay-Love Goats stand 8′ from our window (and 9′ from our bed) and begin their X-Rated Goat Love antics.

All while within arm’s reach from the back of our RV and ALWAYS while staring STRAIGHT INTO OUR WINDOW, like the two boys are just challenging us to say something. Or maybe join them. Like I said, the goats a insane.

In fact one day the bigger and older goat, Louie somehow broke free from his pen