Guest Writer Spotlight: My Paranormal Life

My entire life, I have been fascinated with the paranormal. I have heard and seen things no one around me could. I had an “invisible friend” named Risa until I was about 8 years old. I had conversations with her, sang with and to her, and she was with me everywhere I went. She was my best friend. She was as real to me as my “real” friends and family.

As I grew older, most places I lived had strange occurrences. Our back bedroom phone would ring one single time every Saturday night at exactly 10:30 p.m. At another home, we would bolt the door to the garage door that led into the house. In the middle of the night, the door would open and slam shut. At a third home, on Tuesday nights at 10:00 p.m., we’d walk out of our bedroom to find every cupboard door open and standing straight out.

Whenever I left the house for a few days things would happen. One time, for instance, I had gone to Missouri for four days for a girl’s weekend get-away. I got a phone call from my husband explaining to me that “someone” had gone into our closet and taken every piece of his hanging clothes and threw them, hangers and all, onto the closet floor.

By this point, none of my children would come into our room alone. Sometimes the entire family would be downstairs and we would hear people walking around my room even though everyone was downstairs, including all our pets. Often times my children and I would hear someone calling our name and the kids would answer back, thinking it was me, but I often wouldn’t even be home. They all have told me they have seen someone at the end of their beds, moving about the house, and some had even been touched. Needless to say, we have never had a dull moment.

I had done paranormal investigations on my own for quite a while. Friends and family would call me and tell me about strange experiences and would ask me to come investigate. Most times it was quite easily explained away. Other times I would get quite a few EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon,) see toys move on their own, have things touch me, I have even had my body temperature drop 10 degrees below the temperature of the room.

The Fox Pomona theater at it originally appeared in the early 1930's.

The Fox Pomona theater at it originally appeared in the early 1930’s.

Eventually, I decided to join a professional paranormal investigation group. We traveled all over the Inland Empire investigating homes, businesses, and buildings.

My very first investigation with them was at the old Fox Pomona Theater. It had started out as a first run movie theater during the golden age of films. Over the years it fell into disrepair. It was sold several times before the current owners bought and restored it. One owner was rumored to be a doctor that performed illegal abortions where several women had died.

During the investigation, we were in the balcony when all of a sudden I felt a small pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I started getting ice-cold. Then I started crying uncontrollably. I knew a child was giving me a hug as if holding on for dear life. Later that night we were told that over the years three different children had fallen off the balcony to their deaths, including two boys and little girl. When I got home and reviewed my EVPs, I heard a little girl saying “Don’t go Mommy.” My heart just broke.

Regardless of your beliefs on the paranormal, there are so many unanswered questions about life, death, and the hereafter that we simply do not understand. To this day, I continue my paranormal investigations, but nothing has affected me like that little girl looking for her mommy. I will continue my investigations until I find the answers I am still looking for.

Anyone interested in exploring the paranormal and ghost hunting can contact the writer, Robin Montgomery. She is currently looking for people interested in creating a new team in the Intermountain Communities of the Shasta mountains and surrounding communities.


Bubbie1About the writer: Robin Montgomery served her community as a volunteer on the Riverside County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse. She was assigned to the Hemet Station during her time as a Mounted Posse member. Her patrol areas included Hemet, San Jacinto, Banning, Perris, Idyllwild, Coachella and other surrounding areas.

Robin has been married for more than 27 years. She was a foster parent to nearly 60 children over 13 years. She is now an adoptive parent and has 13 children and 14 grand children.

Robin loves writing her “Breakfast With Bubbie” and “Dragonfly Moon” columns because they give her an opportunity to connect with people and let them know they are not alone in their struggles. She also values her column because she wishes she had been able to turn to someone for unbiased advice when she needed it the most.

Robin has had feature-length articles published in Valley News, Menifee Sourcebook, RCNS and SCNS.