UPDATE: Man who ripped the flesh from his own arm with his teeth later dies at hospital

See important writer’s note below original article.

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 9, 11:55 p.m.

See original story and earlier update below.

REDDING, Calif. — A man suspected of being under the influence of multiple illicit drugs and prescription medications, and was filmed using his teeth to rip and tear the flesh from his own wrist, later died in police custody after being transported to a Redding hospital early this morning, Tuesday, June 9.

Footage of the “horrifying” incident – which was captured on a witness’s cell phone camera and live-streamed to social media – showed multiple Redding police officers using bean bag shotguns, Tasers, batons, and a police K-9 while trying to take the highly erratic and violent man into custody.

The deceased man has since been identified by coroner officials as 37-year-old, Morgan James Davis, of Cottonwood, CA.

In a swift move likely caused by the ongoing nationwide protests, violence, looting, and rioting in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers, Redding PD has already released the video footage captured by the shocked and traumatized witness.

That cell phone footage, which was later collected as evidence by officers, can be viewed in its entirety below. However, due to the extremely graphic nature of the incident, viewer discretion is strongly advised.


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Officers from the Redding Police Department were dispatched to the Americana Modern Motel at 1241 Market St. at 1:09 a.m., after receiving a 911 call reporting a possible domestic disturbance and woman screaming at the location, Redding PD officials have since reported in a social media release.

“When officers arrived, they located a heavyset white male adult, in excess of 400 lbs., on the outside balcony of the second floor of the motel,” explained RPD; saying the man was bleeding from his arms prior to their arrival.

Official radio traffic at the time indicated that after requesting additional officers and resources to the scene, including less-lethal force options, officials began communicating with Davis. Officers also requested paramedics to the scene, and an ambulance crew was staged nearby.

During this initial contact, the officers had no idea where the originally reported victim was or if she needed immediate medical assistance, according to RPD; who also reported that Davis was naked other than a T-Shirt.

Officials are continuing to investigate a Cottonwood man’s death, after the subject was filmed and live-streamed using his teeth to rip and tear the flesh from his own arm during a violent encounter with officers at a Redding motel. KRCR News Channel 7 photo

Although officers speaking with Davis were eventually able to coax him to come down from the balcony and walk down the motel stairs to the parking lot, the erratic and violent subject refused to listen to or obey the officers’ loud, verbal commands.

When the man appeared to charge at officers, an officer fired one round from a bean bag shotgun at him. Although the bean bag appeared to strike the man in the right shoulder, video filmed and live-streamed at the time showed it had little effect on the enraged, combative, and non-compliant man.

While the horrified witness continued live-streaming the deadly encounter, Davis “began biting his own arm, tearing into his skin, and spitting chunks of flesh on the ground,” described RPD.

As Davis continued to use his teeth to rip the flesh from his own wrist and arm, an officer deployed a Taser device, causing him to collapse to the ground.

Officers cautiously moved in and began trying to handcuff Davis as he momentarily lay unresponsive on the ground; however, “the suspect would not comply with verbal commands and violently resisted the officer’s attempts to detain him,” said RPD.

As can be seen in the video, Davis suddenly reared up, throwing the officers off him and raised up to his knees; before officers were able to bring him back under control and handcuff him.

“Physical control holds, a Taser deployment, less-lethal bean bag rounds, police K9, and baton strikes were all used before officers were able to safely get the subject detained,” explained RPD.

Once officers managed to handcuff Davis and roll him onto his side, paramedics immediately responded in to attend to his injuries, according to officials who explained,  “As paramedics and officers tended to (Davis), he remained alert and was communicating with officers and paramedics.”

Davis was then transported by ground ambulance to a local hospital for treatment of his self-inflicted injuries, and arrived at the hospital at 1:43 a.m., according to RPD.

While at the hospital and under the direct care of doctors and other medical staff, Davis “began to have medical difficulties and eventually died,” explained RPD. He was pronounced deceased by hospital staff at 2:15 a.m.

Officers who searched for the originally reported victim never found the woman, and officials have since said it was not even known if a female was ever in the room with Davis.

However, in the live-stream video the witness – who was not publicly identified to protect her privacy – can be heard describing the victim, as well as what she had seen and heard prior to the officers’ arrival. (See video below.)

Because Davis died while in police custody, the Shasta County Critical Incident Protocol was initiated. Shasta County Sheriff’s Office was assigned as the lead investigating agency, with members of the department’s Major Crimes Unit heading up the investigation.

During a subsequent search of Davis’ motel room, officials located suspected methamphetamine, cocaine, and acid, along with other prescription medications, said RPD; who reported, “Officers also located an open knife with evidence of blood on it.”


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Pending internal and criminal investigations and as part of the standard critical incident protocol, the five Redding police officers involved in Davis’ apprehension have been placed on paid administrative leave, according to officials.

RPD has also reported that an autopsy has been scheduled and that no additional information will be released at this time.

Davis’ death remains under investigation by the Shasta County Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit and Coroner’s Office.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation or who witnessed the incident and has not yet provided a statement is encouraged to contact the Shasta County Major Crimes Unit at (530) 245-6135 or by email. Callers can refer to incident file number 20R035750 and can remain anonymous.

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 9, 5:15 p.m.

UPDATE: Coroner identifies man who died after violent encounter at Redding hotel

REDDING, Calif. — The Shasta County Coroner’s Office has identified a man who died earlier this morning, after a violent and bloody encounter that was filmed and live-streamed to social media by a witness.

The man died in police custody after being transported to a Redding hospital for treatment of self-inflicted bite wounds and other injuries sustained during his apprehension, according to officials.

“The subject was pronounced deceased at the hospital by emergency personnel,” Shasta County Chief Deputy Coroner Lt. Gunsauls has since reported. “The decedent was positively identified as 37-year-old, Morgan James Davis, of Cottonwood, CA.”

The case remains under investigation by the Shasta County Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit and Coroner’s Office.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation or who witnessed the incident is encouraged to contact the Shasta County Major Crimes Unit at (530) 245-6135 or by email. Callers can refer to incident file number 20R035750 and can remain anonymous.

This is a developing story that will be updated as new information is available.

Original Story: Man dead after violent encounter at Redding hotel

REDDING, Calif. — Although few details are available or have been confirmed, official radio traffic and early reports from the scene indicate a man died after a violent confrontation with officers at a Redding motel earlier this morning, Tuesday, June 9.

City of Redding police officers were dispatched to the Americana Modern Hotel at 1241 Market St. around 1 a.m., after receiving a 911 call reporting a possible domestic disturbance with a woman screaming at the location, according to scanner traffic.

Although the man was eventually taken into custody after multiple forms of less-lethal options were used during his apprehension, early reports indicate the man later died at an area hospital.

Officials have not yet released any details related to the deadly incident and an officer at the scene later said details regarding the man’s death would be released as soon as possible.

Officials from the Shasta County Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit have reportedly responded to the scene and assumed the investigation., which remains active and ongoing at the motel

This is a developing story that will be updated as new information is available.

WRITER’S NOTE: After many hours of careful thought and contemplation, as well as hours spent fielding complaints and responding to questions regarding the title of this article I made the decision to change the headline from:

Man who ripped the flesh from his own arm with his teeth later dies in police custody


Man who ripped the flesh from his own arm with his teeth later dies at hospital

While I stand by my original title as 100% factually accurate, as reported by RPD themselves in their Facebook release and can be viewed on their page, after speaking with countless people angered by what they thought was a misleading or downright false title, I felt the change was warranted.

Keep in mind, as can be seen in paragraphs 8 and 9 of RPD’s OWN release, officials reported the following; (to which I added the BOLD type for emphasis)

“… Due to the fact the subject died WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY, the Shasta County Critical Incident Protocol was initiated. The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office was assigned as the lead agency during this investigation.

Five Redding Police Officers have been placed on paid administrative leave as part of the standard critical incident protocol, pending the internal and criminal investigations. …”

So yes, the suspect – who had been arrested and was in police custody during the pre-booking process and obtaining a medical clearance for his self-inflicted injuries – died at a hospital.

And yes, as is described in the article, he was under the direct care and supervision of doctors and medical staff. However, that does not take away from the fact that he was, indeed, in police custody.

That all being said, to avoid any further confusion or allegations of false or misleading headlines, I made the editorial decision to change the title.

Best wishes to all, and keep those social media comments and constructive criticism coming; as I read each and every comment and respond to all as needed.


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Contact the writer: trevor.rcns@gmail.com

Trevor Montgomery, 48, moved in 2017 to the Intermountain area of Shasta County from Riverside County and runs Riverside County News Source and Shasta County News Source. Additionally, he writes or has written for several other news organizations; including Riverside County based newspapers, Valley News, (the now defunct) Valley Chronicle, Anza Valley Outlook, and Hemet & San Jacinto Chronicle; as well as Bonsall/Fallbrook Village News in San Diego County and Mountain Echo in Shasta County.

Trevor spent 10 years in the U.S. Army as an Orthopedic Specialist before joining the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department in 1998. He was medically retired after losing his leg, breaking his back, and suffering both spinal cord and brain injuries in an off-duty accident. (Click here to see segment of Discovery Channel documentary of Trevor’s accident.)

During his time with the sheriff’s department, Trevor worked at several different stations; including Robert Presley Detention Center, Southwest Station in Temecula, Hemet/Valle Vista Station, Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center, and Lake Elsinore Station; along with other locations.

Trevor’s assignments included Corrections, Patrol, DUI Enforcement, Boat and Personal Water-Craft based Lake Patrol, Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement, Problem Oriented Policing Team, and Personnel/Background Investigations. He finished his career while working as a Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Investigator and was a court-designated expert in child abuse and child sex-related crimes.

Trevor has been married for more than 29 years and was a foster parent to more than 60 children over 13 years. He is now an adoptive parent and his “fluid family” includes 13 children and 16 grandchildren.